Transcending the ordinary since 1864...

From its martial beginnings as the Old Stone Fort during the Civil War, to its transformation into a warehouse district at the turn of the 20th century, the buildings that define Warehouse Row represent the vibrant history and commercial culture of Chattanooga.

As a mixed-use development in the 1980’s, Warehouse Row became a destination shopping center for the Southeast that was a part of revitalizing downtown Chattanooga.


Reveling in rare beauty...

Warehouse Row’s metamorphosis from shopping center to community retail concept begins with a lush aesthetic inspired by the humble grandeur of the original architecture.

Steeped in history, yet never content to dwell in the past, Warehouse Row’s reinvention reflects the unique creative vision of its community. 


The Simpson Organization, Inc. (TSO) is a closely-held real estate investment banking firm, which was founded in the midst of the down-spiral of the real estate cycle of the late 1980's by A. Boyd Simpson. The company began as a real estate advisor providing real estate consulting services to institutions. Today TSO invests capital with other investors in assets for its own account.  

Over the last thirty years Mr. Simpson has nurtured and grown the organization into the full-service real estate company with more than 70 assets and over eight million commercial square feet of leasable space.